Monday, August 13, 2007

Tip #1 For Husbands - What NOT to say to your wife

Sunday morning before church.

Todd: "There's something in your hair and I don't think it's a maggot."

Me: Screaming loudly and shaking my hair out like a wild woman and in the process totally scaring my little baby.

(What was in my hair? A feather from my pillow.)

Todd: "I did say it wasn't a maggot."

*In case you haven't figured it out by now, Todd and I are one unique couple.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could be a fly on the wall in your house! You guys are so weird! In a good way.

Jenny said...

You two crack me up.

Gangy said...

If there was a top ten list of "For Husbands - What not to say to your wife", There's something in your hair I don't think it's a maggot would certainly be on it!! hahaha Looking forward to more of your blog

robkroese said...

Isn't it funny how attempts to be reassuring can be misinterpreted so badly?